As soon as my previous St Ives scrub ran out I knew I was going to be getting a new one as I love the way these scrubs work and can possibly say I haven't tried another scrub that I like as much as these.
Now previously I did have the scrub for blemished skin so thought I would try something new hence why I now have the warming scrub!
This scrub has little red beads and when massaged onto the skin this is when it gives the warming sensation. The warming sensation isn't really that intense when rubbed onto the skin so I'm not sure how much it does 'relax the pores for a deeper clean' as it claims, but you can feel it to some extent.
I would say the scrub itself isn't quite as intense as the original St Ives scrubs but despite this I still really really like it. It leaves my skin feeling really squeaky clean which I absolutely love as it really does feel like all the dead skin has been removed and I then have a super clean base to apply other products too.
I really can't see myself straying away from the St Ives brand when it comes to scrubs as I just always find these work the best.
What scrub(s) do you use?
Rachel xxx
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