Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Lush - Cosmetic Warrior Fresh Face Mask

Here is the Cosmetic Warrior in all her glory sitting on my face making pure magic as it sits there for around 5-10mins. I'm not sure how it works it's magic SO quickly but it does and I sure ain't complaining.

I popped into Lush on Monday at Westfield and decided that I will treat myself to something as I haven't brought anything from Lush in aggggggges and so I thought it was about time!
Cosmetic Warrior is a fresh face mask which:
'combats spots and soothes troubled skins. With antiseptic fresh garlic, tea tree essential oil, deep cleansing kaolin and antibacterial honey.'
Soon as I read that I knew I had to pick this up and it sounds perfect for my skin, and trust me it is!

Now the product, to me, looks like porridge:
which doesn't really make it the prettiest product in the world but it smells like honey which is a bonus!

I applied this after I got out the shower and it feels so refreshing as you have to store it in the fridge so once you apply it to the skin it gives an immediate cooling effect which is just lovely. I left it on my skin for around 10mins and once I removed it I seriously couldn't believe what it had done....

It left my skin SO soft and cleansed. It pretty much removed every blackhead on my nose and trust me when I say I have quite a few... Lovely I know!

I have never been this amazed by a product so quickly after the first go, normally it takes me a few uses at least to decide whether I like a product, but with this I knew instantly after I took it of. 

I am so excited to use this again and it is recommended that this is to be used 2 times a week and this can't come round quick enough!

What face masks have you tried from Lush?

Rachel xxx


  1. Great review! I think this is one of the few masks I have yet to try!

    New follower

    1. Thank you I really do love it :) Ahh you must try it out :) x
